Bikini Body Challenge Survival Kit, part 2

Bikini Body Challenge Survival Kit, part 2

Susan Irby and Personal Trainer, Alison Dlugosz
Susan Irby and Personal Trainer, Alison Dlugosz

Whether you want to tone up, firm up, or lose weight, you had a specific purpose for taking the 30-Day Bikini Body Challenge. The first 5 days of the Challenge are the toughest… hmmmm, not so fast. While the first 5 days of the Challenge, which include the Cleanse days, are designed to jump start the change in your diet, days 6 through 30 can actually be the toughest because you become responsible for planning and preparing your meals and snacks. This is not to say that I am not providing recipe suggestions, but the first 5 days are very specific, structured days. Days 6 through 30 allow you to make more of the food choices as long as they fit within the guidelines of the Challenge.

Key Tips to Master the Bikini Body Challenge:
1) Not everyone is supportive –
Whether it is the 30-Day Bikini Body Challenge or you just want to make healthier choices in your diet, know right away that not everyone is going to be excited about your new adventure. There are countless reasons why others are not thrilled about your desire to change. A few of them… they are jealous you are taking control when they feel they can’t; they will be threatened by your new, svelt appearance; perhaps they are concerned you will get all of the attention now; or maybe they think making healthy choices makes you a “health freak” and do not recognize any benefit. Whatever the reason is, be ready for it! Do not let nay-sayers and negative energy sideline your positive health efforts. You will be feeling GREAT! Surround yourself with people that are active, want to eat fresh, crisp, delicious foods, and are non-toxic in their behaviors. Positive energy breeds positive energy. Know it. Believe it. Live it.

2) Temptations are everywhere –
At every turn, every day, there is going to be some type of temptation to steer you away from achieving your goals. Remember tip 1, most people are not in your corner!
You will hear a lot of this:
*”aw, just one bite won’t hurt you”
*”you don’t need to lose weight”
*”I like you just the way you are”
*”No one will know if you eat a little cake…”
*”What are you doing this for anyway?”
Our motto for the Challenge is #BeStrong. Keep in mind your main purpose for starting the Challenge in the first place. Only bring those foods that are Challenge approved home from the store. If it is not in your house, you won’t be tempted to eat it. When at work, take your Challenge meals with you and make a committment to eat your meals and snacks. Dining out? Stick to grilled, baked or steamed items and keep your eye on the goal. It’s 30 days. You can DO IT!

3) Write down everything you eat and drink –
Everything! Keep a log with you… in your purse, in your car, tape it to the front of your refrigerator. Every time you eat or drink ANYTHING, write it down. You will be surprised how the little bites here and there add up. Visually seeing each food you consume will make a huge, positive difference in staying on track.

4) Write down your exercise –
Just as you do with food, write down your fitness achievements. That 30 minute walk with your friends during lunch at work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, 50 ab crunches in the morning… put into practice little bits of exercise throughout your day. Write it down. You will be smiling at the end of the day when you see how much you have achieved!

5) Keep your eye on the goal –
You set a goal when you started the Challenge. Was your goal to fit in to a gorgeous dress by a certain date? Maybe you want to look and feel your best for a big event? Perhaps your doctor gave your the “or else” talk. Or, maybe your goal was totally an internal look-see that said, “Finally, I am going to take action to take charge of my health”.

Write down your goal in big, bold letters and attach it to the first place you see every morning. Right when you see that each morning, affirm then and there… “I will keep my eye on the goal today!” “I will eat fresh foods prepared with spices and fresh herbs that are baked or grilled.” “I love my body and my life – I love the healthy, positive change I am feeling.” Repeat whenever you feel tempted.

6) Serving size matters –
Even if you are eating fresh grilled salmon, mixed greens, fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds… eating portions sizes in the 8 ounce range and beyond will hinder your weight loss. Keep portion sizes to 4 to 6 ounces for women and 6 to 8 ounces for men. Eat smaller meals more frequently. Eating smaller portions will allow your body to digest the foods and distribute the nutrients through your body. After 2 1/2 hours, eat a healthy snack to keep your body fueled. This pattern of eating will burn fat and increase your metabolism.  For more on how to measure healthy portions, read this:  Tips on Portion Sizes

7) Get a workout buddy –
It is a proven fact that if you have a workout buddy, you will workout. Working out does not mean you have to go to the gym. Make a date with your friend to take a hike, do a workout video together, go for a run or brisk walk, take a class at the community center… schedule it like you would a doctor’s appointment. You will see your physical activity go up, up, up!

8) Keep Busy!
When your brain and hands are occupied, you are not thinking about food. Now is the perfect time to start that project you’ve always wanted to do. Clean out the garage, make a scrapbook of last Summer’s vacation, take an art class… whatever you do, keep busy! Take your healthy snacks along for good energy and tackle that new project with zest.

Related articles:
Bikini Body Challenge Survival Kit, part 1
Take the FREE 30-Day Bikini Body Challenge


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