Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Remedies for Migraine Headaches

Kale and Broccolini Salad
Kale and Broccolini Salad

If you have ever had a migraine headache, you know what they are. They are usually massive, pounding headaches that can be recurrent and are often associated with nausea and even blurred vision. Sounds pretty miserable, and they are.

There are an array of factors that can cause migraine headaches. Some of these factors include irregular sleep, chronic stress, skipping meals, lights and noise – any number of things. Foods can also play a role in both triggering a migraine and helping to ease a migraine. Foods known to cause migraine headaches include those that contain MSG – commonly found in soups, so read labels carefully, nitrates – yes, that includes some bacon and hot dog products, again, read labels, and other foods like fermented foods, citrus, dairy, avocado and peanut butter have all been linked to triggering migraine headaches. One other important migraine trigger – a lack of water. Time and again, even mild dehydration is a source of health issues. Remember to drink water – I strive for 72 ounces daily.

Among many factors that can trigger migraines are a lack of certain vitamins and minerals. Here is a list of foods that have been known to ease the pain caused by migraine headaches:
*Cremini mushrooms
*Sweet potatoes
*Swiss chard
*Sesame seeds

*drink water – set a goal to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day and drink water consistently throughout the day; add 8 ounces of water for every cup of coffee you drink. Caffeine can be a migraine stimulant. So if you experience migraines often, consider cutting way back on the coffee.

This is not a food, but sleep plays a very important role in our health.
*get regular, uninterrupted sleep – avoid having a TV and computers in your bedroom. Keep the room dark and as quiet as possible. If you live in a noisy area, consider sleeping with “white noise” like a low fan to help mask the outside noises.

As mentioned above, migraine headaches can be caused from many different sources. If you experience migraine headaches on a regular basis, consider seeing a doctor to help you determine the root cause and perhaps suggest a specific remedy for you.


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