Why I Love Walking

Did you know? Walking regularly is one of the best exercises you can do. Which is Why I Love Walking… one of the many reasons!

It’s 8am and I’m suiting up Homer for our morning walk around the neighborhood.  We are really lucky because where we live there is a nearby golf course, LOTS of hills, and tranquil walking paths.  Not only do we get the benefit of increasing our heart rate, we have beautiful views of the course, the sweet smell of flowers, budding trees, and a cool breeze from the ocean.  When I take Homer, our walk is at minimum about a mile. Often, I will walk Homer, bring him back to the house, and then head out for another 4 to 5 miles! Starting my day with a brisk walk is invigorating.

Many moons ago, I was more of a runner. I still love to run but have found a new passion for walking. Walking is great exercise when you pick up the pace and get to it, LOL. Especially when there are hills and stairs involved, walking can actually be healthier for you than running.

In my top running days, I would go 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 12 miles at a time. Or, if I wasn’t outdoors, I was hitting the gym on the Stairmaster, treadmill, lifting weights, or all 3.  While running does have some advantages on fast calorie burn, it can also wear on your feet, knees, joints, back, and more.  For many people, running can be intimidating.  So, why not go for a brisk walk?


Here’s why I love a good walk:

*Gets your heart rate up!

*Calms the mind

Stressed out over a business deal, financial concerns or just life? A good, long walk can help clear the mind.

*Walking is low-impact

Walking is easier on the joints!

*A great way to enjoy nature!

*Pass the time by walking with a friend and catching up on life

*Create new friendships by inviting a new neighbor for a walk

*fEnjoy the fresh air!

*Exercise you AND your dogs

Don’t have a dog? Maybe now is a good time to get one.

*Walking can be done anywhere!

You don’t need a gym to walk.  Walk while on vacation, after dinner in town, or while on a business trip.  Be sure to practice safety common sense, however, and if you don’t know the area, get directions beforehand and ask about the safest routes.

*Soak up the vitamin D

The rays of the sun are good for our health.  Vitamin D helps reduce wrinkles, improves bone strength, decreases mental stress and anxiety, reduces dullness and dryness of hair, and reduces muscle spasms. Wear sunscreen and a hat to protect from harsh rays. Consider wearing a long sleeve shirt, and of course, sunglasses. Lather lips with lip balm spf 15.

Susan walking in Alabama

*Walking tones your legs, butt, calves, arms, and is good for your heart

*Carry two to three pound dumbbells

This isn’t possible when I walk with Homer, but I have cute pink dumbbells that are perfect for toning arms. Bonus: burn a few extra calories!

*If it’s raining or cold outside, head to the mall!  (Post-COVID, of course!)

Most malls had a walking program, pre-COVID. Some malls even had or still do have walking clubs that offer discounts to members.

*Stay hydrated by carrying bottled water

If you are walking with your dogs, they’ll need water, too!

When I fell in Love >

Pre-COVID Side Story:  I fell in love with walking on my first trip to Italy in 2001.  I found myself eating prosciutto, gelato, bread dipped in olive oil, cinghiale (wild boar), and all sorts of foods that can pack on the pounds. Yet, I lost weight! The key:  walking!  I walked everywhere… I stopped into churches, visited gardens, museums, I walked through countrysides, cities and towns.  Walk, walk, walk.  At the end of my trip, I had improved muscle tone and learned so much about the surroundings and culture.

Enjoy your day, get outdoors, and walk!   Until next time, sending you gourmet wishes and flattering waistlines…


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