A simple yet flavorful approach to potatoes tossed with coconut butter, fresh herbs of parsley and chives and seasoned with cracked black pepper.
Serve in place of mashed potatoes which are usually high in both butter and cream. With plenty of flavor from the herbs, coconut butter and pepper, you can skip the salt or use a small pinch of natural sea salt when serving.
Serving size: 1 cup
Calories: 316
Fat: 2.46
Saturated fat: 1.9g
Carbohydrates: 67.9g
Protein: 7.4g
Sodium: 27mg
Fiber: 10.9g
Nutrition analysis based on CalorieCount.com recipe analyzer. This recipe is low in cholesterol, low in sodium, high in fiber, potassium, and vitamins B6 and C. In this calorie-slashing collection, The Bikini Chef® Susan Irby offers recipes for switching up ingredients that keep calories to a minimum. Complete with serving-size suggestions and “Skinny Secret” shortcuts to trim calories in little ways, here you’ll get expertly crafted recipes that include offerings for every meal of the day!