Favorite Easter dishes are often heavy on fats including cream and butter. Think “Bikini Bites for Easter”! Smaller, tasty dishes that pack in flavor without heavy fats.
Bikini Bites for Easter

Tips for a Bikini-Sized Meal
- Are you the home chef? Keep lighter bites such as celery and fresh berries nearby while you prep and cook the Easter meal. Why? Most chefs and cooks consume a ton of calories before dinner is served! No wonder they are not hungry for dinner!
- Keep portions to 1/2 cup serving per plated item. For example, 1/2 cup protein, 1/2 cup vegetable, 1/2 cup starch.
- Fiber in foods helps you feel fuller, longer. Easy fiber additions to dishes: Italian flat leaf parsley, cilantro, asparagus tips, broccoli, spinach, kale, and arugula. Serve the meal with freshly cut fruits such as apples, pears, and kiwi. Bonus: added vitamin A, C, and folate.
- Cook with healthier oil options such as grape seed, coconut, and avocado oils. A little oil goes a long way. Begin with 1/2 to 1 tablespoon for sauteeing ingredients like onion and garlic.
- Be mindful of healthier cheese options. Goat cheese, kefir feta, goat feta, and Vegan Cashew Cheese are delicious options. Choose “hard, firm” cheeses such as parmesan over the creamier options like triple cream brie.
- Serving a cheese and charcuterie platter? See note above regarding cheeses and serve with fresh fruit slices, celery, almonds, walnuts, and dried fruits such as cranberries and apricots. Satisfy the sweet tooth with honey comb and quince.
- Last but not least, enjoy the meal the first round. Skip going back for seconds.

Bikini summer days are just around the corner! Engage these tips now and be vacation ready.
Click here to view one of my favorite recipes for Easter, Spring or anytime >> Shrimp and Vegetable Carpaccio as presented at the Fit Expo (Virtual) with Mareya Ibrahim!