DELICIOUS PROTEIN SUBSTITUTES do exist! Discover new protein substitutes that work for vegan and non-vegan lifestyles
Believe it or not, protein substitutes can be exciting, new and downright tasty! Eating habits can be changed. It’s not that hard!
A Vegan Lifestyle
Me, I live the Bikini Lifestyle. What does that mean to me? I love water! And, love of water means all things “fish” in my book. I am a self-proclaimed pescatarian. A few years ago a tested the waters with a vegan diet. Being vegan did not work for me. But, who says a lifestyle has to be all one way or the other? It is easy to incorporate vegan dishes into most any kind of lifestyle.

Common Protein Sources
- Beans! Black beans, dark red kidney beans, lima beans… all beans have strong quantities of protein
- Lentils
- Quinoa! A versatile seed that cooks like a grain. Quinoa is a “complete” protein and is packed with vital minerals. Buy my book, THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO QUINOA << delicious recipes for vegan and non-vegan lifestyles.
- Legumes
- Nuts! Go nuts for nuts… walnuts top the list for the healthiest nut and peanuts are low on my list. Opt for walnuts, almonds, cashews, and a fun fave – pistachios! RECIPE: CASHEW CHEESE !
- Fermented soy products like Tempeh. Tempeh holds together well when pan-grilled and works well as a substitute for grilled fish or a hearty burger. See more below!
- Veggie burgers – don’t like the store options? Make your own! SUSAN’S VEGGIE BURGERS

The Upside of Seitan and Tempeh
- Seitan
- Pronounced: SAY-tahn or SAY-tan
- Made from wheat yet has little in common with flour or breads
- Also referred to as “wheat meat”, “wheat gluten” or simply “gluten”
- Obviously not a great option for individuals who are gluten sensitive!
- A popular substitute due to its hearty texture and flavor
- High in protein! 100grams of seitan (about 1/2 cup) equals approximately 20 grams of protein
- Preparation: by hand using either whole wheat flour or vital wheat gluten, made by rinsing away the starch in the wheat, leaving a high-protein gluten behind.
- Prepared Seitan can be found in the refrigerated section of most health food stores.
Fermented Soy = Tempeh
- Pronunciation: TEMP-eh
- Definition: a soy food common to Asian cuisine for 100s of years
- Made from cooked and slightly fermented soybeans and formed into a “hamburger-style” patty
- Low in fat, very high in protein and calcium
- Contains beneficial isoflavones
- Has a textured and nutty flavor
- Add to simple stir fry meals, soups, and meatless chili
- Found in the refrigerated section of most health food stores and in the natural foods aisle of most large grocery brands
- One serving of tempeh (100 grams) provides around 200 calories, 18.2 grams of protein, and 10% of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of both calcium and iron.
- Bonus! Tempeh is a naturally cholesterol-free food
Source: Seitan sources