Ease holiday weight gain with this Holiday Survival Guide
Traditional “Naughty” food choices are countered with “Nice”, healthier options
The holidays are daunting when it comes to maintaining a healthy, fit body. Seems everywhere we turn there are freshly baked breads, cookies, oodles of chocolate, peppermint bark, cakes, pie, and that’s just the desserts!
Most party foods are heavy on cheese and layered with fat and sugar. Holiday meals become the perfect excuse for second and third helpings.
Healthy cooking techniques often are thrown out the window. And those healthy prepped meals get pushed to the back burner.
Health does not have to take a back seat during the holiday! Why blow it at the end of the year and start all over again in January. Adopt these four little, yet powerful, words… “It’s Not Worth IT!” Stay on track this holiday season and start the year off feeling refreshed. We could all use a refreshed New Year about now. Of that, I am CONFIDENT!
This Holiday Survival Guide provides time tested, figure flattering ways to help you survive the holiday season guilt-free and ready to start the new year in your best shape ever! Ready to be “naughty” or “nice”?
Included >> FREE Holiday Survival Guide Bonus Tips
Follow the “NICE” tips for your Holiday Survival!
Shoutout Thank you to Photo by Juan Camilo Navia on Unsplash
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