Extensive evidence shows dark chocolate with a 70 percent or greater cocoa content has heart health and cancer-fighting benefits, is rich in flavonoids which help reduce risk of heart attack and stroke, and contains a type of fat that does not increase blood cholesterol. Chocolate also triggers the release of endorphins giving you a rush of excitement similar to feelings of satisfaction from sex. What better balance than to share this romantic Valentine’s evening with a healthier, more stimulating version of a Valentine’s Day favorite, Chocolate Dipped Strawberries.
On average, 35 grams of 70% cocoa dark chocolate contains 5 percent fiber and protein. That’s before you add the strawberry and quinoa! Stay away from milk chocolate and dark chocolate candies which are loaded with extra sugar and avoid white chocolate which is not chocolate at all but is cocoa butter mixed with ingredients such as sugar, vanilla, and milk solids.
Naturally chocolate is not a replacement for fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, but on this day and any day, a little chocolate goes a long way in good health. Recommended quantities, no more than one ounce 3 to 5 days per week.