Baking Soda! Who knew?! This everyday item is versatile, inexpensive, and readily available.
What is baking soda? Simply put… baking soda is a bicarbonate of soda. A household product that can be used for a variety of tasks! In this feature, learn health, household benefits, and everyday uses of baking soda.
Baking Soda for Health:
- Add to bathwater to relieve itchy skin
- Combine with a little water and apply to sunburns or insect bites
- Place baking soda in a bowl of water. Use to rinse fresh fruits and veggies
- Wash your mouth out with soap? Nope! Rinsing with a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda will cleanse the palate
SIDE NOTE: Baking Soda is an active ingredient in BAKING! Recipe > Strawberry Orange Muffins
For Cleaning:
- Use baking soda combined with water to clean your fridge
- Add a cup of baking soda to a clogged drain; Pour in a cup of hot white vinegar; Flush it out with a quart of hot water
- Baking soda helps remove stains from coffee and tea mugs (hint: don’t use on clothing. The soda removes the color from clothes! I learned the hard way.)
- Burn your skillet? This is not the tip for “bobbly bits” of food in your skillet. That is a different cleaning method. When you burn your pan, boil 2 inches of water in the pan, add 1/2 cup baking soda. Turn off heat. Let sit overnight. In the morning, wipe out the pan!
- Clean toothbrushes with baking soda (I actually use baking soda to brush my teeth at least once a week)
As a Stain Remover and more:
- Remember how I said earlier in the post (above) not to use baking soda to remove stains from clothing? Well, only use on white clothing. Not on your colorful jacket. Baking soda is a natural stain remover.
- Use a combination of water and baking soda to remove red sauce stains, deodorant stains yet be aware of colored clothing. The mixture will remove the color.
- Interesting tip and not a stain remover tip… adding a little baking soda to syrup or honey helps prevent crystallizing
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