Benefits of Baking Soda

Benefits of Baking Soda
Benefits of Baking Soda
Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash

Baking Soda! Who knew?! This everyday item is versatile, inexpensive, and readily available.

What is baking soda? Simply put… baking soda is a bicarbonate of soda. A household product that can be used for a variety of tasks! In this feature, learn health, household benefits, and everyday uses of baking soda.

Baking Soda for Health:

  • Add to bathwater to relieve itchy skin
  • Combine with a little water and apply to sunburns or insect bites
  • Place baking soda in a bowl of water. Use to rinse fresh fruits and veggies
  • Wash your mouth out with soap? Nope! Rinsing with a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda will cleanse the palate

SIDE NOTE: Baking Soda is an active ingredient in BAKING! Recipe > Strawberry Orange Muffins

For Cleaning:

  • Use baking soda combined with water to clean your fridge
  • Add a cup of baking soda to a clogged drain; Pour in a cup of hot white vinegar; Flush it out with a quart of hot water
  • Baking soda helps remove stains from coffee and tea mugs (hint: don’t use on clothing. The soda removes the color from clothes! I learned the hard way.)
  • Burn your skillet? This is not the tip for “bobbly bits” of food in your skillet. That is a different cleaning method. When you burn your pan, boil 2 inches of water in the pan, add 1/2 cup baking soda. Turn off heat. Let sit overnight. In the morning, wipe out the pan!
  • Clean toothbrushes with baking soda (I actually use baking soda to brush my teeth at least once a week)

As a Stain Remover and more:

  • Remember how I said earlier in the post (above) not to use baking soda to remove stains from clothing? Well, only use on white clothing. Not on your colorful jacket. Baking soda is a natural stain remover.
  • Use a combination of water and baking soda to remove red sauce stains, deodorant stains yet be aware of colored clothing. The mixture will remove the color.
  • Interesting tip and not a stain remover tip… adding a little baking soda to syrup or honey helps prevent crystallizing


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